Our mission is to connect cannabis home growers with success through expert consultation and the development of a community knowledge base.
But can’t produce a decent yield of product? You’re in the right spot.
Grab your grow guide for just five bucks during our stupid-low Launch 420 special, or read on to find out if our guides are right for you.
Seriously though, what do you have to lose?
During Our 420 Launch Special, you can get our guides for the insanely low price of just $5
We want you to be able to grow a successful crop of legal cannabis right away. We’re a brother and sister with a pretty solid foundation in pot growing and story-telling, and we invite you in to our somewhat off-centered yet totally real world of our pot plants and how we grow them.
And the delightful insights we uncover along the way. You see, when we realized that so many legal home cannabis growers were having crop failures, and throwing out their crops,
chopping them down,
starting all over,
losing their money,
and losing another season,
and getting so frustrated with the entire process they wanted to give up-
we realized that we could solve all these problems.
There’s a staggering need for concise and helpful information that growers should already have, but… well they just don’t seem to.
As experts, we heard the same questions come up over and over.
Mr Geoffery has had a system of growing that has never yet failed him or his friends. Join us as we cut through the clutter, debunk myths, and share the wealth of our experience to find success for you- time after time.
Learn how to grow your legal weed. Learn how to get a successful crop every time. Learn how to get better and higher yields. And learn how to do it so easy and cheap the first time, that you can modify your next crop to suit your unique needs.
Start from the beginning with weed whispering brother Mr Geoffery, as performance coach, author and sister Ms Weeze takes you on a hypnotic storytale journey of growing in our home garden. The eBooks are friendly, easy to read, and lay out our Simple Method guidelines in a way proven to engage and boost your knowledge of this special plant.
Do not try to grow legal cannabis without our guidance! Whether you are absolutely new to growing, coming back after a hiatus, or looking for a way to fill in gaps in your already amassed experience, our guides provide a unique and focused path to the key elements in growing legal cannabis that NO GROWER should be without.
During Our 420 Launch Special, you can get our guides for the insanely low price of just $5
For a stupid tiny investment and a fun 10 minute read, you can save thousands of dollars in lost production, and seasons of heartbreak, stress, anxiety, and frustration.
We don’t know why you choose to grow, but we do know you want to achieve better results, build on past successes, and bypass all the trial and error.
Simply by tapping into our system, you will instantly boost your growing level, no matter how many times you’ve had to tear down and start again. We’ll show you how to correct the single biggest mistake you will make in each step of the growing process, from beginning to end.
But most of all we’ll show you how to recognize progress, so you can detect and eliminate future errors.
Our simple story book format enables you to learn in a unique way similar to the way we mentor our clients. Your journey further ensures your own success by getting to the root of your personal grow solution, so you can craft a grow set-up that works for your own unique situation.
How do we know? Mr Geoffery’s Simple Method is so successful that as we researched professional photographs to illustrate our first book, our own crop grown using our same Simple Method, accidentally became our models for the book. We decided to bring you into the beautiful world of our personal garden, and our wacky brand was born.
Transformative guides that will forever inform the way you grow weed
Pick the PDF BOOK option for the story book version, which is suitable for people who like to pinch and zoom to read on your phone, tablet, and laptop. This version is the story book layout that can also be printed on your home printer.
Pick the EPUB BOOK option for the version which can be read on your phone, tablet, or computer in your favorite book reading app like Kindle.
During Our 420 Launch Special, you can get our guides for the insanely low price of just $5
Thank you for allowing us into your journey to better yields of legally grown cannabis! Check out our other site (Yougroweed.com) as we strive to bring more of our wacky happy stoner world into your world.
Fast Track Your Success with targeted answers, community knowledge bank, and special offers.